Our next monthly Neighbour to Neighbour Food Drive will be held on Saturday September 21st, 2024, from 10 AM to 12 noon.
Ways to Donate:
- donate cash by dropping an envelope marked “Chedoke Food Drive Neighbour 2 Neighbour” into the offering plate on Sunday or in the secure mailbox by the front doors of the church during the week.
- E-transfers ~ should be labelled “Chedoke Food Drive N2N”in the note section and sent to bookkeeper@chedokechurch.ca.
- hampers have been set out on Sundays so you may bring in your donations and drop them into the hampers to be added to our monthly Food Drive.
Of course, you can still drop by on Saturday September 21st where we will again have volunteers collecting non-perishable food and supplies for the local food bank. Please remember to enter from the west entrance and pull up to the front doors. Once volunteers have collected your donations from your vehicle please exit using the east entrance.
Here is a list of food items that are most needed:
Immediate Needs
- Tomato sauce
- Canned tomatoes
- Canned vegetables (corn, green or yellow beans)
- Kraft Dinner
- Cereal and oatmeal
- Crackers
- Granola bars
- Canned fruit
- Canned tuna/ salmon/ ham
Fruits and Vegetables
- Spaghetti Sauce
- 100% Juice
- Peanut Butter
- Chickpeas
- Dried Beans
Additional Essentials
- Jam, Flour, Oil
- Baby Formula
- Diapers ~ Size 4, 5, 6
- Personal Care Products
PLEASE NOTE the expiry date on food donations. The Food Bank cannot distribute food that has expired.
Thank you!